Sean, our intern, who has been with us for the last 8(!) months left us for new adventures last week. But he didn’t leave us without this letter:
I, the under-mentioned by this document do declare my true intentions, my last day at SESOME. This company has been my first stepping stone into the real world, I was taken from the dream world of University in the dead of night and carefully nourished over the past 8 months into the real world by a great team. Adrian, Jamie, Sanna and Ellie at SESOME has shown me reality isn’t that bad at all, in fact it’s great.
I’ve learnt a countless amount of things including London’s best lunching locations, when to stop making coffee for people who just can’t handle your style and how to work in an office environment. They’ve got me involved in their great campaigns, allowed me to do a bit of writing and offered me so much advice for me to take forward.
Where do you go from here you may ask? Well, I am pursuing a career in the music world, the guys have even helped me out with that, I set up my own music blog Moonshake (shameless plug) under the guidance of these wizards of the internet, digital design, infographics and life.Adrian – you shall always be the man who coined the phrase that I shall take to my grave – JFDI (Just F***ing Do It). This guy works hard, is passionate and is the successful product of a great work ethic. I thank you for taking on an idiot student and making him a little less of one.
Sanna – Ahhh, Sannygal! Although we clash over coffee making techniques, we are one in everything else – from campaigns to discussing deep psychological topics on Monday mornings. I am ever the laughing recipient to your strange growls and Mr Miyagi impressions.
Jamie – Brother, friend and man with beard, I thank James for providing ‘top bants’ in the office, showing me some ‘bang tidy’ tunes and for introducing me to the world of avocado. He helped me put the moon in Moonshake (literally) and truly is one of the funniest guys in the Euston area.
Ellie – Ooooh Ellie! Although you’ve been in Thailand throughout 2015, you are no doubt going to spread the wonderful contents of ‘Life’s A Window’ across this dot in the universe! Perhaps one day you will set up a self-help pamphlet under the same title – the possibilities are endless!
To Emily – I’ve only met you this week at our crossover point but you seem like a great gal! You’re in for a great time here and I expect to see your word wizardry illuminating infographics, articles and magazines for years to come.
I will be staying in contact with you all whether you like it or not – great times before but great times ahead!
Stay blessed.
Sean Kerwick (BA Hons) (50m Swimming Badge)