

The Enduring YouTube Success of Carpool Karaoke

Since the dawn of time (or late 2005, which is essentially the same thing), the world of visual content has been dominated by one name only - YouTube. As much as young guns such as Periscope, Instagram and Snapchat have made many a noble challenge for the title over the years, the power of YouTube is more potent than ever in 2016. In fact, the video streaming service is so influential, that it can almost be used as a barometer of the social climate. That is to say, whichever the most watched video on YouTube is at any given moment [...]

Building Brand Reputation – Everybody’s Responsible

Although undeniably important, link-building is just part of increasing brand awareness. Here at SESOME, we like to focus on reputation rather than just link building - we believe achieving links is just a happy byproduct of designing and delivering engaging campaigns. Link building for its own sake used to be the preserve of the lone (and slightly myopic) SEO, and in all honesty, few purely SEO-based endeavours are likely to succeed. With the increasingly negative perception of link-building, not to mention the threat of penalties, this silo-ed approach is now neither recommended nor effective. These days, ranking in Google directly [...]

Shorthand and Social Media – A Luv-H8 Relationship

Anyone over a certain age will remember the agony and panic of trying to send an SMS message in the early 2000s. With pay-as-you-go contracts reigning supreme, and the consequential, ever-present fear of spilling over onto page 3/12 whilst texting on your Nokia 3310, phone users of this golden time had to resort to creative means to use as few characters as possible. As shocking as it may be to millennials, at one time in the not-so-distant past, people had to scribe such abominations as ‘c u l8r’, ‘thx’ and ‘whr r u?’ in order to communicate with their fellow [...]

By | July 8th, 2016|Copywriting, Social Media, Web|0 Comments

My Business Book Shelf – The Texts That Shaped My Marketing Strategy

Reading everyday, and reading a variety helps me keep learning, keeps me questioning things and being connected to the ever-changing world. In an attempt to pass my passion for the written word onto the rest of the office, I started my very own library initiative in the SESOME office for everyone to share good reads that are relevant to our dynamic and fast-paced industry. Here are my all-time favourites! The Lean Start-Up by Eric Ries Quite simply put, this book is about how to think differently. When I did my degree back in the 90’s, there was a lot of [...]

By | June 24th, 2016|Link Building, SEO, SESOME Team, Web|0 Comments

‘Pics or it Didn’t Happen’: The Dominance of Visual Content

It’s an undeniable fact that in today’s digital marketing world, visual content is king. Image-led social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have never been so in demand, and with newer kids on the block Periscope and Boomerang following close behind, the power of a visual cannot be understated. However, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this phenomenon isn’t that new a thing. After all, the notion that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ has been woven into our collective conscience for hundreds of years - so why has visual content only become so unquestionably dominant in the last few? To contextualise [...]

By | June 1st, 2016|Branding, Content Marketing, Design, Social Media, Web|0 Comments

The game of SEO and my 2015 predictions

In the process of setting up my own agency in the past year I have had to talk about, analyse and future gaze with all aspects of marketing, social media and SEO. Some things I’ve even had to re-learn! I am the type of person who thinks in pictures, grids and models. If you know me, you will know I like a silly analogy. In a recent meeting I used a board game narrative to explain the process of building your way up slowly and steadily with SEO. Explaining that at a moment’s notice, previous actions, a simple error or [...]

By | November 21st, 2014|Link Building, SEO, Web|0 Comments