Last Friday, with a flurry of IKEA bags, cables, overflowing boxes and peak excitement, we moved from our beloved Bedford Square office into a whole new gaff.

That’s right; as of a week ago the lucky folk at WeWork Chancery Lane welcomed us into their fold with open arms, and it’s fair to say we’ve settled in splendidly. In order of importance, here are the things we love most about our new working environment:

  1. Dogs. Dogs everywhere: WeWork is pet-friendly, and as a consequence, in just one week we have met no less than five dogs. Including one wearing a hula necklace.
  2. Lunch and Learn: Combining sandwiches with salient soundbites, WeWork’s learning lunches have transformed our midday breaks into edifying revelations, covering topics from digital marketing to healthy living and everything in between.
  3. Free flowing beer: As if complimentary roastery coffee and orange and cucumber infused water (think Pimms without the Pimms) wasn’t enough, there are legit beer taps on every floor. Goodbye sober working.

Aside from all of this, our new neighbourhood is every bit as gorgeous and London-y as its predecessor. You’ll be happy to hear we’ve wasted no time in documenting it in one of our famous photo essays:


The ornately beautiful Waterhouse Square

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Some borderline tourist snaps


A convenient frame of most of London’s skyscrapers

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A sassy soldier, Tudorian architecture and daring modern sculpture


The world’s most beautiful Vodafone store

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Light statue impressions


Our cosy common area, also home to buffet breakfasts on a Monday


Foosball anyone?