

#CovidReady is now part of your brand strategy if you like it or not!

Here in the UK, lockdown rules are being (subject to R) eased again. The next wave of businesses from the 1st of June will be car dealerships and outdoor markets. Then, from mid-June all other retailers, as long they are #CovidReady! The UK Government's advice on being 'Covid-19 secure' is here. No matter the size and sophistication of your business you are building, enhancing, damaging your brand at all times in the mind of your community, if you mean to or not! What is a brand? Your brand is the collective understanding and opininon of your business in the mind [...]

By | May 26th, 2020|Strategy|0 Comments

Flex, Freeze or Fix – tactical decisions

Your business’ status and how this affects your marketing tactics during Covid-19. I wrote a post called, “Flex, Freeze or Fix – marketing strategies in the time of Covid-19”, that I published on my Influencer Marketplace’s blog on the 21st of May 2020. In that post I spoke about marketing strategies. This post is about marketing tactics. Last year I completed the Marketing Week Mini MBA in Marketing from the legend that is Mark Ritson. A few weeks back I was on his webinar about Covid-19 and its effects on business. He proposed 3 generic stages for this Corona-time. This [...]

By | May 22nd, 2020|Strategy|0 Comments

What is Content Marketing? And how should it fit into your 2020 SEO strategy

Content marketing (CM) is not a new concept, but over the last decade, it has become one of the most critical tools for businesses. While marketing in the digital age can take a wide variety of forms, at the heart of each is creative content. That content needs to be designed so that it works as hard as possible for you. The right content marketing strategy can boost SEO, improve sales figures, and encourage higher levels of brand visibility. From organic content marketing to paid campaigns, there are many misconceptions about how content marketing can work. Learning more about developing [...]

By | January 13th, 2020|Strategy|0 Comments

What is a marketing strategy? And why a marketing audit is important

All businesses need to use marketing. If your marketing is lacklustre and ill-defined then it will inevitably be weaker. A marketing strategy is a single, comprehensive plan that aligns all of your marketing goals and brand objectives into one easy to follow plan. When a marketing strategy is designed well, it can promote your products, your brand, and your online visibility. However, it can also be used to make sales, identify the needs of your customers and guide the development of your growth plans. To create a successful marketing strategy, you need to combine all of your business goals into [...]

By | January 6th, 2020|Strategy|0 Comments