

The Branding Before Christmas

As if the crisp chill in the air, increasing wattage of fairy lights and introduction of gin baubles (yes, really, this is not a drill) wasn’t enough of a giveaway, the arrival of Christmas 2016 has officially been heralded by several hours worth of new festive adverts. Forget that sap Monty the Penguin, motheaten Mog the Cat and the slightly-too-melancholic Man on the Moon, this year’s seasonal stars have landed and stolen the nation’s fickle hearts away, ready to get people spending. However, amongst the trampolining dogs, mutilated carrots (very festive Aldi) and animated characters revelling in the ‘simple joy [...]

By | November 18th, 2016|Branding, Content Marketing, Display Advertising, Social Media, Web|0 Comments

Building Brand Reputation – Everybody’s Responsible

Although undeniably important, link-building is just part of increasing brand awareness. Here at SESOME, we like to focus on reputation rather than just link building - we believe achieving links is just a happy byproduct of designing and delivering engaging campaigns. Link building for its own sake used to be the preserve of the lone (and slightly myopic) SEO, and in all honesty, few purely SEO-based endeavours are likely to succeed. With the increasingly negative perception of link-building, not to mention the threat of penalties, this silo-ed approach is now neither recommended nor effective. These days, ranking in Google directly [...]

A Tale of Two Brandings – how to build brand loyalty in the social age

Back in the olden days, when the internet was still a madcap idea and meals came largely in cans, advertising a product was fairly straightforward (despite what Madmen may lead you to believe). With single brand names and iconic commodities like Hoover, Post-It and Jacuzzi monopolising markets, persuading consumers to choose your product was simply about any advantages it had over the existing behemoths. Unsurprisingly though, things have moved on in the world of marketing. Now in 2016, the age of Instagram stories and live tweeting, the entire manner in which companies are advertising, and who they are advertising to, has [...]

By | September 2nd, 2016|Branding, Content Marketing, Design, Social Media|0 Comments

My Business Book Shelf – The Texts That Shaped My Marketing Strategy

Reading everyday, and reading a variety helps me keep learning, keeps me questioning things and being connected to the ever-changing world. In an attempt to pass my passion for the written word onto the rest of the office, I started my very own library initiative in the SESOME office for everyone to share good reads that are relevant to our dynamic and fast-paced industry. Here are my all-time favourites! The Lean Start-Up by Eric Ries Quite simply put, this book is about how to think differently. When I did my degree back in the 90’s, there was a lot of [...]

By | June 24th, 2016|Link Building, SEO, SESOME Team, Web|0 Comments

A Pizza Lunchtime Fun…

Here at SESOME, we love a good pizza. Individually we are all connoisseurs of the beloved hot slice (including, sadly, those sold in our local Sainsbury’s at lunchtime), and as a team we can happily chat for hours about the correct ratio of cheese to tomato base. Hell, even Lurkey was once found beak-deep in a Pepperoni Passion during an office Domino’s session. It was then with a great deal of excitement we headed off down Tottenham Court Road (or ‘ToCoRo’ as we fondly know it) for our regular Mid-Month Munch, to secure a table at Franco Manca. Having been [...]

By | May 20th, 2016|A Bit of Fun, SESOME Team|0 Comments