

My Business Book Shelf – The Texts That Shaped My Marketing Strategy

Reading everyday, and reading a variety helps me keep learning, keeps me questioning things and being connected to the ever-changing world. In an attempt to pass my passion for the written word onto the rest of the office, I started my very own library initiative in the SESOME office for everyone to share good reads that are relevant to our dynamic and fast-paced industry. Here are my all-time favourites! The Lean Start-Up by Eric Ries Quite simply put, this book is about how to think differently. When I did my degree back in the 90’s, there was a lot of [...]

By | June 24th, 2016|Link Building, SEO, SESOME Team, Web|0 Comments

‘Pics or it Didn’t Happen’: The Dominance of Visual Content

It’s an undeniable fact that in today’s digital marketing world, visual content is king. Image-led social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have never been so in demand, and with newer kids on the block Periscope and Boomerang following close behind, the power of a visual cannot be understated. However, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this phenomenon isn’t that new a thing. After all, the notion that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ has been woven into our collective conscience for hundreds of years - so why has visual content only become so unquestionably dominant in the last few? To contextualise [...]

By | June 1st, 2016|Branding, Content Marketing, Design, Social Media, Web|0 Comments