digital marketing

/Tag:digital marketing

The Changing Face of Influencer Marketing

For anyone even slightly invested in the digital world, it’s hard to imagine it without ‘the blogger’. Rarely is a new product launched or promoted these days without a recognisable face from online realms merrily endorsing it, and social channels would be nothing without regular visual updates of influential blog writers’ latest exploits. Rewind even a mere five years however, and the term ‘blog’ was only really associated with weekend hobbyists, unchecked ‘Livejournal’ templates and monthly posts about recalcitrant pet cats. In an almost unprecedented ascent of the digital media ladder, bloggers have gone from overlooked dabblers, straight to the [...]

Building Brand Reputation – Everybody’s Responsible

Although undeniably important, link-building is just part of increasing brand awareness. Here at SESOME, we like to focus on reputation rather than just link building - we believe achieving links is just a happy byproduct of designing and delivering engaging campaigns. Link building for its own sake used to be the preserve of the lone (and slightly myopic) SEO, and in all honesty, few purely SEO-based endeavours are likely to succeed. With the increasingly negative perception of link-building, not to mention the threat of penalties, this silo-ed approach is now neither recommended nor effective. These days, ranking in Google directly [...]