

The Future of Facebook – An Old Dog with New Tricks?

Ah Facebook. As constant as the changing of the seasons, as trustworthy as an ageing sheepdog, as…. agile as an Olympic gymnast? Ask pretty much anyone in the world today, and they’ll have something to say about Facebook. With its beautifully simple blue and white aesthetic and comfortingly familiar icons, Facebook has managed what most social media platforms can only dream of - longevity. Grabbing the dated social baton from Bebo and MySpace, Facebook has managed to outlast countless young guns over the years, making just enough incremental changes as it does so to remain relevant. 13 years after Facebook’s [...]

By | April 21st, 2017|Social Media|0 Comments

The Meme-ing of Life

Meme (noun) /mi:m/ “A virtually transmitted cultural symbol or social idea”. Frankly, if you’ve been within 10 metres of a computer in the last five years, you’ll be familiar with the concept of ‘meme’. Despite the rather grandiose definition provided above, memes are realistically universally recognised as a crudely captured screengrab, with overlaid, block text:   It’s pretty much impossible to spend any time online in 2017 without memes cropping up as visual references, social content, or the final word on passive aggressive arguments in niche reddit threads. So I’m told anyway. But how did memes come to dominate online communication [...]

By | February 17th, 2017|Content Marketing, Design, Social Media, Web|0 Comments

The Enduring YouTube Success of Carpool Karaoke

Since the dawn of time (or late 2005, which is essentially the same thing), the world of visual content has been dominated by one name only - YouTube. As much as young guns such as Periscope, Instagram and Snapchat have made many a noble challenge for the title over the years, the power of YouTube is more potent than ever in 2016. In fact, the video streaming service is so influential, that it can almost be used as a barometer of the social climate. That is to say, whichever the most watched video on YouTube is at any given moment [...]

A Tale of Two Brandings – how to build brand loyalty in the social age

Back in the olden days, when the internet was still a madcap idea and meals came largely in cans, advertising a product was fairly straightforward (despite what Madmen may lead you to believe). With single brand names and iconic commodities like Hoover, Post-It and Jacuzzi monopolising markets, persuading consumers to choose your product was simply about any advantages it had over the existing behemoths. Unsurprisingly though, things have moved on in the world of marketing. Now in 2016, the age of Instagram stories and live tweeting, the entire manner in which companies are advertising, and who they are advertising to, has [...]

By | September 2nd, 2016|Branding, Content Marketing, Design, Social Media|0 Comments

Pokemon GO: The Strangest Side Effects So Far…

Unless you have been living in a remote jungle or going through some sort of digital detox for the last few weeks, you will undoubtedly have grown accustomed to the sight of frantic looking people wandering the streets, eyes fixed on their outstretched iPhone, looking for elusive Pokemon. The recent launch of this pioneering app in the UK has caused a tidal wave of Brits to spill out of their front doors, into a brave new world of sunshine, air, and, get this, OTHER HUMANS. Not to mention a whole generation who had only just managed to suppress their residual love for [...]

By | July 22nd, 2016|A Bit of Fun, Design, Social Media|0 Comments

Shorthand and Social Media – A Luv-H8 Relationship

Anyone over a certain age will remember the agony and panic of trying to send an SMS message in the early 2000s. With pay-as-you-go contracts reigning supreme, and the consequential, ever-present fear of spilling over onto page 3/12 whilst texting on your Nokia 3310, phone users of this golden time had to resort to creative means to use as few characters as possible. As shocking as it may be to millennials, at one time in the not-so-distant past, people had to scribe such abominations as ‘c u l8r’, ‘thx’ and ‘whr r u?’ in order to communicate with their fellow [...]

By | July 8th, 2016|Copywriting, Social Media, Web|0 Comments

‘Pics or it Didn’t Happen’: The Dominance of Visual Content

It’s an undeniable fact that in today’s digital marketing world, visual content is king. Image-led social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have never been so in demand, and with newer kids on the block Periscope and Boomerang following close behind, the power of a visual cannot be understated. However, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this phenomenon isn’t that new a thing. After all, the notion that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ has been woven into our collective conscience for hundreds of years - so why has visual content only become so unquestionably dominant in the last few? To contextualise [...]

By | June 1st, 2016|Branding, Content Marketing, Design, Social Media, Web|0 Comments