how to

/Tag:how to

The game of SEO and my 2015 predictions

In the process of setting up my own agency in the past year I have had to talk about, analyse and future gaze with all aspects of marketing, social media and SEO. Some things I’ve even had to re-learn! I am the type of person who thinks in pictures, grids and models. If you know me, you will know I like a silly analogy. In a recent meeting I used a board game narrative to explain the process of building your way up slowly and steadily with SEO. Explaining that at a moment’s notice, previous actions, a simple error or [...]

By | November 21st, 2014|Link Building, SEO, Web|0 Comments

Guardian Masterclass 1st February 2014

I was asked by Julie from the award winning site ALadyinLondon to do a guest spot in her popular "How to create and manage a successful travel blog" in the Guardian Masterclass series.

By | February 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments